AWE: the rapt attention and deep emotion caused by the sight of something extraordinary
Awe is the state that I am in. I don't know where to begin, how to start, what to say. My physical limitations and lack of vocabulary (probably due to my history as an offensive lineman and too many headaches!) are keeping me from expressing what just happened. I am not masterful enough to articulate how I feel, what I saw. But from this weekend comes several mottos:
"Remember Remember the 8th of November"
"I can sleep when I'm dead"
"People are worth it"
"Chase God"
So this weekend we went down to Panama City Beach aka PCB for a CCF retreat. Never having been on this retreat, I didn't know what to expect. It started with your typical ride in van BANG BANG LADY, which included doing the splits Jean Claude Van Damme style in the van between all rows of seats, a small stop at Smith's Station, Nutty cones with tax at 9 cents on the dollar (it used to be 8 but city of Dotham wanted extra cent...said the crazy convient store clerk) and seeing Jay Leno's personal classic car collection displayed along the beach (not really, but it could've been.) Who knew less than 24 hours later, I'd get to see God.
I can not begin to describe the community within CCF. I have seen nothing else like it and can only fail when describing how amazing it is. People coming together, building solid friendships, being there for each other, 500 students at a thursday night bible study sticking around and getting to know each other.... and not just on a surface level.... people care about one another, go to great lengths to meet each others needs, and I say this to preface how amazing it was seeing my idea of CCF community dwarfed in comparison to Saturday night. I saw something genuine, something precious. I saw love. I'm in AWE.
I don't know if I'll ever BE ABLE to forget standing around the pool and hearing Rick say for those of you who don't think there's anything to this, look at the balcony...and behold Josh K. You'll have to ask him for his story, because it's awesome. Then hearing his conversation with Robert Braden hours later not to mention 4am in England...I'm a christian now... i'm in AWE.
I can't stop thinking about it, I cant get it out of my head. I love these people. I love these friends that I've made. I love this place. I love the simplicity of an almighty creator and his divine timing. I LOVE IT. This is what I want. This is who I am. This defines me. God defines me. If he ever doesn't I give you full permission to punch me in the face with no warning.
.I got to play signs again. - Greatest game ever, go Starfish and Hotdog....

.Let's not forget the fire that nearly burned down the building less then a block away.
.7 Baptisms + 4 life stories + 2 Chileans + 1 band = SWEET!
.Pulling Collin out neck deep in sand
.FOOTBALL on the beach!
.Cleaning up some spilt spaghetti with Tatum and Heather
.Sleeping 5 hours out of idk 90...
.Reading the Blue Cards in Pandora's Box of "DIRT"
.Something quick and easy.... you know the rest.
.Great talk with Sweeny
.An actual Vortex from the whirlpool created in the pool, and then cannon balling into the middle of it and getting swept away!
.Great songs in a van
. much more
This post is also to tell those of you who don't know, that I will be going to France to play football for the Cougars. I'm excited, I'm nervous and actually only today am I little torn. Because it's hard to leave these friendships I have started to make this semester. These friendships that I know will last. Just like the ones from BB04, I look back to that year and all the great memories, the bonds from serving this ministry and I realize that those friendships last. Because there is something stronger about this place, I cant place what it is, but people just care. I value the time I've spent with you guys this semester. I'd sit at my desk at work and couldn't wait to come hang out with you guys. I love you guys. D-Wood, Jared, Chris Godwin, Lunchbox, Harrison, Nate, Josh K, Cory B, Josh W, Chris Alford, Jake, Tim, AO, Michael Elsbree, Goat, Chuck, Spencer, Woody, DT, Jack Watson, the Laura's, Sarah's (or no H), Steph, Carolyn, Katrina, Annie, all of 20 spot, theres just too many to name... ALEX DAVIS i love the hell out of you man.

"That I find him in the wilderness that some call Paris"
For what it's worth...from what I read, France isn't as bad as it was...with their new President.
hey bud. thanks for watching out for my boys. your a good man and I can't wait to see you play football again.
He should be capitalized...and I'm a little hurt I didn't make the call-out list.
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