It was the best day of my life. Top 3 memories of all time. Matt and I had took off to another excursion through Paris just to check out the city and become more familarized with Paris. We left early to make sure we had enough time to get back for practice, maybe even a pre practice nap. The sun had just decided to show itself through the cloud of grey that had been surronding Paris for the past week or so, Pretty much setting up the greatest day of all time.
Matt and I arrived in Paris and started walking down a side street close to Champs de Elysses. Just stimulating the local economy by purchasing enough pastries to make any man gain 3lbs. (serious addiction is starting to kick in and I'm about to have to purge myself by entering pastry rehab.... they call it America.... oh wait I forgot about donuts....dang...what will i do?) Anyways were marching along and then we see a big commotion in the crowd. Like seriously what's going on here?
We check it out and they are literally shooting the new John Travolta film, FROM PARIS WITH LOVE. Ok and apparently the guy kissing guy thing as a greeting does happen. Just in the form of real creative types/ actors/ etc. You know the people who think there totally B.A. Just a sidenote. So were walking by and apparently there is this scene that there trying to do where they need some American tourists for the background shot. Thankfully I'm American. We walk up to the gate after the guy with the mic points us out and asks us to come up. This is gonna be SWEET! I tell matt.

On the set of From Paris with Love
They take us back to the make up closet or whatever it is. Think about a 18 wheeler's trailer converted into a costume/ makeup thingy... I'm not to up to date with my fashion, so I have no clue. So we get all ready and stuff. All were supposed to do is walk by the big shopping store, look at a map, and then scratch our heads as the screen strolls past to Amber Rose Revah strolling past on the cell phone.
I can't tell you how pumped I was, I mean really amazing opportunity. I'm gonna make it, say hello to stardom. Here comes the red carpets, and after partys with the big timers. I'm a little nervous... as we hit our part, I actually stumble and fall into Amber on the first take. "WHAT THE CRAP MATT GET IT TOGETHER" I tell myself. She's ok. The director's pissed, but who cares. We get it on the next take fine. He wants to do one more another way, just to make sure I guess.
Afterwards Amber comes up to me and laughs about me falling. I stumble over myself just a little bit, then try to put the old Matt Rhodes charm one. I tell her she's a little bit too beautiful and I didn't know how to control myself... NICE recovery. Ha, so it's awesome. She ask me and Matt to hang out with her friends after the shoot. I'm like YES!!!!!!!!!!! Does this actually happen????
Then all of a sudden I hear a loud roar.... people are protesting. Yelling and screaming and throwing stuff and setting cars on fire with alcohol soaked rags rapped around bricks. It's utter chaos. I don't know if I should run or watch or rent a video camera and become a youtube star....
Another loud BANG.....
.... I roll over. What the crap? I'm still in bed, but the noise it's not going away. What time is it? 9am. What? Did Will go to work? Is Matt up this early? Did someone leave the TV on? It must be the hooligans movie. Lemme go check. I'd hate to waste energy.
As I roll out, my head still trying to hold on to the dream, I think...."why did John Travolta actually work out in my gym in Cergy 2 weeks ago? Why is that stupid story from the gym owner infesting my dreams? Maybe it's the urban cowboy/ pulp fiction fest that's being played non stop on the movie channels that's helping?"
I check the TV. Nothing...
What. The sounds coming from outside. What could it be? I walk to the window, crack open the door. As the cold air says hello to me standing in my boxers and t-shirt, I peer through sleet filled eyes to a full flegged student protest.
Kid's are going crazy, marching in the streets. Chanting non stop. I notice as one group of boy's comes parading down the road leading to the already massive crowd amassed at the gates to the school. The leader is a boy probably 17 carrying a cone chanting French obsenities... (I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT) And yelling out. The others behind him, totalling close to 100 follow in order. I can't tell what's happening.

Is this about to be a fight like I saw in that Hooligans movie? This is gonna be good. I feel a bit of pity for the few cars that are parked along the road. Boy are they gonna get it. As the group approaches the crowd. I start getting intense. Here they go. Welcome to the war on Rue de Matisse. An actual part of History. This isn't a dream, atleast I got woke up for this. A good enough reason in my book.

The students however don't fight, unless by fighting you mean yelling loud and shaking the fence to the school. Still wouldn't know who'd when that one, the students or the fence? I decide since I'm already up I will grab a bowl of cereal and let the real life television show playing through my new HD window entertain me. I throw on some sweats and sit on the balcony.
It's a good show. Last's about 2 hours. The police come. Instead of breaking it up they just let it go. There's not to much. Some actually "good" students actually went to school. What were they thinking? One girl pulls along a trash can... OK. Pour quoi? Whatever. Girl you sure showed them who was boss by grabing that trash! Don't let the garbage man clean that up, Your so bad ass. The crowd then marches towards the police and onto a main road stopping traffic. Well the cops had already stopped it for them, but whatever.

It dies down. But was a great way to realize that your dream wasn't true. Apparently what had happened was... the new minister for the schools in France/ Paris expecially, decided to fire a bunch of teachers and change the criteria or something. I guess it wasn't to the liking of the students. Apparently all around Paris the students protested. Some might have actually got a little crazy(story). But all in all a great show from the 3rd story balcony overlooking the main strip.
* Side note: Riots actually ocurred on the shooting of From Paris with Love.
The instant I read 'Matt Rhodes Charm' I knew it was a fabrication. That's all I'm saying.
As soon as you said she responded nicely to the "Matt Rhodes charm" -- I knew it was a fabrication.
Still a cool story.
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