January 29, 2009
The Domestic Matt's
It's about 9 mins long, so make sure you've got a bit of time to watch it.
Click me for the video link on youtube.
I am heading to Deutschland tomorrow to meet up with an old buddy from Angleton. Andy and Matt team up for the facebook official Matt Rhodes Welcome Week 2009. It's going to be a blast. For those of you who don't know, Andy plays football (soccer) in Dortmund. Were going to the game to watch Borussia Dortmund play and then Superbowl on Sunday. Oh and he told me that I have to experience the Autobahn. He asked if I ever heard of it, and I simply said how fast. He said I can't tell you, you just have to experience it. So I'm pumped.

It's gonna be great and I'll have a ton to update you about. Also, I've still got some more blogs to finish about the Louvre, Matt's parents in Paris, and some other videos I'm working on. Just want you all to be able to see through my eyes....probably b/c I'm much more of a visual learner then a reader as well!!!
Here's some pics and videos of the stadium in Dortmund.
January 27, 2009
Cougars vs. Flash 20-8 loss

I went into the game thinking they were a totally out dominant team and unsure of who the Cougars really were. I didn't know if we'd be the type of team to think the game was not possible to win or if we'd be the type of team that gave all we had at all times. After the game I've realized one thing, the Cougars are fighters....we are scrappy, we lay it on the line, and we don't fold. For me there is no better type of team. Statistically we may not "match up" with the Flash. But I'd take us any day.... An old coach used to have a saying about "fat cats" and "street cats." You see fat cats just lie around the house all day, eating what's given to them and don't know how to work. Street cats are the total opposite and have to fight for the food they eat each night. So when the time comes when the fat cats and the street cats are moved out of their elements... the street cats know how to survive.....couldn't have picked a better name for our team then Cougars!

Chasing the running back. I got to play defense. It was funny he I'd mouth
off at the line and then he would wink in the back field and I'd just smile.
Pretty much got to play the whole game... I think it's actually the most
plays I've ever had in one game.
The game started off strong. We drove the ball down the field and get into scoring position. However, Matt and I had a fumbled snap. Matt had the ball and got up when the whistle blew, however the flash player layed on the ball afterwards and they ruled it Flash ball. However on the Flash's next drive Alyou caused a fumble and Clement recovered.

*I also wanted to take the time and say thank you for Emily, Jessica, Caroline, Hillarey, Mere Bear, the hockey guys and all the fans who came out to the game. It really made it awesome having you support us and I thank you for bearing it out through the weather and unfortunate outcome. Mere, thanks for the nicknames for Matt!!!
Also, thank you to Matt's parents who really showed us some quality picks of resturants in Paris. It was great getting to meet you and I hope the jet lag is not to bad today.
You can read the link here about the game from the les cougars website.
January 23, 2009
Another Day at the Office
So this is a video I compiled at a normal practice in Pontoise. Hopefully it will give you the look, the feel of what an everyday practice is like. And just in case the video isn't working I'll talk about it breifly. It's 8 mins long, please watch and comment on youtube.
So first thing that happens is Matt and I arrive like an hour before practice, if we catch a ride with coach, usually 20 min's before people show up. (But if Will drives we show up with the rest of the guys) Since we have some free time, Matt usually takes a nap and I get ready or nap as well. It takes me a little longer with the ankle braces instead of having a CLAY FARR approved double-double...or "The Honeycutt Special"....for those of you who don't know that's the trainer at Tech and the best tape job in the country, seriously this guy can put on a clinic.
Then we usually mess around on the weights for a little bit. Around that time, the people start to show up and everyone says hi to everyone... wait let me stress that again....EVERYONE stops and says "ca va" to EVERYONE...this is your typical hello/ greeting. After that we put on the pads and warm up. Matt throws a bit and we get the equipment situated. Then take two laps around the field, followed by a NFL EUROPE circut? (not sure if that's 100% correct, but who knows) This is the shuffle across, high knees up, run back, butt kicks up, karoke across, run up, do it all over again, and sprint back down the length of the field warm up. It takes a while..
Then it's fundamentals and techniques. "The building blocks to success" (thanks Coach D) We hit bags and drive the one man sled. A lot of footwork and firing off the ball. Then its run blocking drills, schemes, pass pro drills, OL vs. DL one on one, two on two. Inside period and a team period, with a scrimmage sometimes at the end of practice. Your typical practice progression.
It normally lasts about 2 hours or 24 periods. You start off freezing and end practice with steam coming off your head and your hands frozen. Take a shower and hang out with the guys.
This Sunday we have our first game against the Flash....the best team in France. They have beaten the Cougars EVERY time they've played. We have never won, and if that's not enough adversity, we have a lot of injuries on our team. Nyda, one of our defensive lineman, will be going both ways playing Left Guard and DL. He's only practiced OL probably 2 days in his life. As for DL one of the LB's will be playing end, Will and myself will play Defensive Tackle. Our tightends our hurt, so we'll be using the linebackers. One of our DB's might be absent, so might is probably a substitute in the secondary. So it is IRONMAN football. It will be a tough test. But there's no other way to tell what your made of, then to be put in the fire.
January 20, 2009
Masters of the Universe... (He-Man)

January 18, 2009
What to wear to an American theme party?
Well first I should start off by saying we went to the Cergy Jokers hockey match... They basically dominated and won 6-2. This would totally set the mood for a good party, I mean it's always better with athletes after you win. I am enjoying watching the team play, it's a pretty cool local atmosphere and your in the match. Never a real dull spot. Matt P. forgot his jacket and was basically freezing the entire time.
Anyways, there were some cool points in the match. First off I had never seen 3 players in a pentalty box at the same time. This was new to me. But they still played 5 on 3 and after Cergy scored then the next guy started his time. It was pretty ridiculous.
Also, they had a penalty shot. I snagged a video of it. I'm liking the camera, being able to just show you what I actually see. If you have any requests about what you want to see in France, just comment or send me an email/message.
This is the penalty shot.
The American Themed party was being thrown by one of the Jokers and his wife. It was his 27th birthday celebration and an all around good time. A couple of us met up at Roland's place to get ready. The outfit ideas were pretty Awesome. I'll just show you some pics.... We had a bunch of cowboys and indians, the blues brothers, some football players, both the young and old elvis, wonderwoman, homer and marge simpson, laura croft (lifesize and miniture), Lil John, a baseball player, a skater, military madman, and a bunch of gangsters.
The couple had rented out a little club/bar for the night. When you walked in, outside they had this huge ice sculpture of the Statue of Liberty. (which again if you don't know was a gift from France, and is actually modeled after a smaller version in Paris that resides on a bridge over the river.) After you walk in there was a huge table for food and stuff. Some of the family and friends where running the bar. Giving out Budweisers and American hotdogs (French style...basically you take a baggett cut a whole in it and shove the dog through it) and Chicken Nuggets, along with the homeade ice shot glasses and a full service bar. It was American.

It felt like a typical college party...besides the costumes... There were some pretty good songs which of course made everyone get involved. The whole crowd started hopping to "Jump Around" And some other French and Spanish songs. They played some rap songs which got everyone up and going, IAM and NTM? IAM is like the old school rapper whose most famous in France. Kind of like the guy that started it back in the day, think of Dr. Dre or L.L.
I got to talking to one of the hockey players about modern day rap music now. He was pretty much upset that now rappers don't actually talk about anything important. He started talking about Tupac and how he rapped about real life and trying to bring a MESSAGE to the people. One that inspires and brings change. Now he feels like everyone is sell outs just talking about Cars, Money, and Women. I agree, I tried to explain that it's all about a catchy beat that becomes a hit and brings in the most money. Oh how hard it is for a rich man ... I mean they forget who they are, where their from and how they got their.
But isn't this one of our most common faults as humans, we put the value of a dollar above what we stand for... It was pretty surreal for me that something as simple as talking about rap music at a party translated into a pretty insightful conversation about life. (Maybe it's just on my mind being the inaguration and all is coming up, or that campus ministry is eating at my heart.)
So back to the party. There was this little girl probably 6 or 7 dressed as Laura Croft. She was dressed like her big sister, or mother, or idk the relationship, but it was cute. She danced the night away and I thought to myself I don't think I've ever seen a little kid out that late in America, but I'm not in America am I? She crashed at around 2am. Here's a video of her.
Oh and I should also show the video of the Happy Birthday. Everyone gathered around and it was full of energy. The cake they had was like 4 individual cakes that more than live up to the standards of French desert. The top cake was a orange cream style cake, 2nd was a strawberry shortcake like dessert, 3rd was my favorite a rich chocolate pie like cake, and last was almost a tiramusui coffee style cake. It was really good. So overall the party was really a great time. I like the hockey guys, they are down to earth and fun to be around.
January 15, 2009
Don't worry....be happy
Really I just wanted to get your attention... first impressions have been on my mind this past week or so, and they really can be a doosie. Also, I just thought it was a pretty cool wall to take a picture with. Matt and I went met up with Brandi at the Eiffel Tower. He had to take a picture for his uncles birthday and thought it would be awesome to get the tower in the background. Having my camera now powered up, I decided to use my skills and take some photos as well.

I have eaten so many Milka bars (The French Wonka Bars) that I've grown to be as tall as the Eiffel Tower. I actually tried picking it up, but it's still pretty heavy. We took this shot right across the river from the Eiffel Tower. It was such a beautiful day, for the middle of winter. The sky was so blue, and the sun was out, I really enjoyed just playing in Paris.
Having Brandi as our day tour guide was pretty neat. After the photo shoot, we walked to the train station and jumped over to the "Red Windmill." See I had been hearing a lot about this whole Red Windmill thing and figured we should investigate. Tickets however are like 80 Euro's a show. It's not really my scene that much either. I mean seriously it was a pretty RED district in Paris. Oh btw Red Windmill translates to French as Moulin Rouge...
After walking around and noticing the History of Sex muesum, which had some very liberal articles in the front window, we headed over to Sacre - Coeur. A famous Church on top of the Montmarte hill. Montmarte used to be an old village north of Paris back in the 18th century. A farming village if you will. Now it is a huge tourist trap, but it is easy to see why. It is absolutely an amazing view of the city. I mean breathtaking.
You climb up these stairs and along the way tons of africans try to stop you with 3 strings. Luckily Brandi was there to inform us that they take like 10 mins to tie a little friendship braclet thing on you, all while talking about some African fable....after they are finished, the braclet is to tight for you to take off and you have to pay them or else you are stealing. I mean talk about hustlers, these guys are good.
We went inside the church and it was beautiful. I made it about 10 feet and snaped a picture of the altar when all of a sudden a small indian looking french man rushed me and started barking at me in French. He told me to leave, that photo's weren't allowed and all this stuff. I mean I didn't even get a good picture, as you can see below. But it just sucks that churches seem to be tourist spots/museums instead of Churches... maybe it's just my first impressions, but it still just seems odd. I mean it's beautiful. I stand in the back for a couple of min's and then exit as asked.

The Trouble making Picture.
Afterwards we sat on the steps with a pretty decent size crowd and just listend to a local musician singing typically English songs. It was awesome. I tried to catch a video for you. You can see Paris in the background and hear the man singing. It was perfect for the day. I mean I could totally come and just sit on the steps, have a picnic and waste a day during the spring. Matter of fact I think I will. Here's the video.
Afterwards we walked through the streets to the little Painters market. There are some very talented artists. It kind of reminded my of New Orleans, where the painters have their own little block. Of course the hustlers walk around trying to sketch your picture in Charcoals and charge you for it. We stop in at a little cafe and have a late lunch. Sitting and talking is always so good. The food was decent, I had a fish pate' and a steak with potatoes. The mustard however was....how can should I say..... nostril opening! It was very awakening. Of course I had some dessert, just a little glasse (ice cream) which was amazing.
We then head to the Chatlet les Halles area to walk around. As we hop down on the train, my nose starts to bleed. I'm a little embarrassed and thankful Matt has a tissue. I am trying to stop it all while a small French boy sits next to me and his mother beside him. He was adorable. I felt bad because I almost bled on him, thankfully I dropped it on my sweetshirt instead. It was precious though when Matt started asking him names for body parts. He'd point to his nose and ask, Qu'est-ce que c'est? And the little boy would answer. *SIDENOTE.... we totally need to get a tutor, or even a babysitting job to learn from the little kids vocabulary words....*
I wish I could have spoke to him but it was awesome. The kid was very young and didn't know them all, so sometimes he'd ask his mom. While others he'd quitely answer. Matt said yes when the boy was correct or just nodded his head when he had no clue what the real answer was.
At Chatlet les Halles there was a protest by the Palestinians about Gaza. That lasted a good 2-3 hours. We walked around, grabbed some cafe/ hot chocolate and sat. Brandi left to met a friend for dinner, while Matt and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire. Matt had said it was a great movie, I was skeptical thinking it would be in French and we'd be lost.
While in line a Canadian couple in front of us were going to see it. It was so comforting to be able to understand what others are saying and have conversation with them. (I don't know if you realize it or not, but my one hang up is not knowing French!) We made a joke though about how movies weren't big here, and how there was a whole 86 seats left in our theater. I laugh thinking it was like the other one which probably only holds 100 max. Nope this theater was HUGE, like a giant IMAX. Seriously it was hard to find 2 seats together for Matt and I. It was packed. We watch the movie, which I highly recommend, and then head back after one amazing day.
On the train there is a massive attack dog muzzled. This really freaks me out. I mean not as much as the armed military guards who patrol the subway systems and the Eiffel Tower and such, but seriously pretty crazy. Heres a pic of the sucker.

At 6:45am this morning, someone rang our door phone to bring me my luggage. I mean don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to actually have it now, but seriously it took you 12 days... I mean what was it doing. It could have travelled to a different country, got left out in the snow, been stuck in a closet just sitting because someone was to lazy to just look, got stuck under a german sheppards cage, the possibilities are endless and having worked on the ramp in Atlanta, I really don't want to know. What if this had been my first flight over to France? I would have had nothing and my whole experience of France could have been different. Thankfully I had already been here and didn't mind to much that it was missing.
What I can't understand though is that Air France refuses to reimburse someone until 21 days. THREE WEEKS. That doesn't make sense. What if it was a matter of importance for someone else, like someones wedding or a child's graduation, or even a job interview. They just have to buy another suit and other random items out of pocket. Thankfully though it's not a big deal to me. But I will have to say 6:45 am is pretty early to be delivering anything...so I'm glad that once they did find it, they didn't hesitate and brought it immediately.
Now I have my camera battery charger and can take some sweet pics/videos. I think I'm going to Paris today so we'll see how those turn out!
January 14, 2009
Try the Football Quiz
Bonne Chance!!!
January 13, 2009
Locker Zoo
Will scoops it up in a dustpan and decides to mess with some of the defensive guys. He takes it into there room and starts messing with the guys. One by one he puts it in there face and says all kinds of stuff messing with them. Then Alyou starts freaking out. It is hilarious, Will's telling him he's a killer and Alyou has to eat the mouse or something stupid like that. Alyou was a little taken aback by it. Really crazy.
The next day after the morning practice we come back into the oline room and again there is a visitor. This one has wings and crows. I guess while at practice a bird managed to fly in and nestle up in our room. He is trying to get out and can't seem to get down to the door to fly out. The top of the ceiling being around 20 feet. Somehow the guys coax him down and Djilali catches the bird out of the sky with his hands... I had never seen this before, I guess crow goes well with cous-cous...(*Sidenote Djilali is sometimes called cous-cous)
January 12, 2009
Cougar Camp...Temperatures a brisk -12 degrees
ok ok so it's not a full 2 weeks long Camp experience like college was, but it was still intense. We stayed in this huge sports complex which housed a full indoor track and field facility, basketball courts, it had outdoor soccer fields, tennis, a weightroom, rooms to have meetings, it was pretty intense... Reminded me of an FCA thing we did at the University of Houston's indoor facility when it was new. Of course Matt and I share a room, it's a pretty sweet little loft, with 2 desks a bed, salle de bain downstairs and then 2 more beds upstairs. Pretty solid.
On the 2 a days on Samedi we just focused on Offense. This was great because we got to use a whole defense just to work on run and pass. It was good to be able to give the Lineman a look of an entire defense. See at Tech we had like 16 or 17 O Lineman, so you would always have a 7 man defense to see, when working with only 7 Lineman you can only give them half line looks. So we got a lot accomplished. However it was freezing! Remember the ice on the field... Yea that just didn't go away. So after the first practice, we come back. They have a full cafeteria like the athletic dining hall at GT, same quality, just less variety.
We run through meetings and get a test which asks like 40 random questions about NFL football. Like....
Whose the most prolific WR-QB combonation?
Who had 7 sacks in one game?
How many teams have never played in the super bowl?
... and of course some french questions like,When was football first started in France?
How many French football players are there?
Then we had the second practice and worked on more Offense. For warmups I had the great idea to plow the field so we werent running on ice anymore. Becaue it was seriously like a dump truck of Ice spun out on top of an ice skating rink and spread ice all over it. So I get the Lineman and we each take a bag, like the ones you do footwork drills with, probably 2 yards wide. I make them push the ice off the field the entire width of the field. I did this 6 times and then got pretty tired. But we had some space to work with after this.
Now this is the part were American camp and French camp differ! We had what was called the Rookie show. In America you do not have much hazing because of NCAA regulations.... No NCAA in France.
We gather up and all the rookies are lead outside to a snow covered soccer field. They tell us to line up and say are name, where were from, what we do...'etc. I'm last. For Matt and myself we have to parlez in francias. Fun stuff. I managae a my names matt. I live in the US from Texas. I play American Football. We then are paired up with are arms taped together. OK ... if your like me I bet your thinking, What's going on? What's about to happen?
Not speaking French sucks when your trying to understand directions (Matt and I are putting up flyers for a tutor at the University today....or if your interested and in France, lemme know) They set up a square with cones about 15-20 yards apart. First you have to spin around the first cone 10 times taped to your partner. Then disoriented, you sprint to the next cone.
Hafid and myself after spinning circles. It was so good being teamed up with him after he rilled up the team acting like they weren't going to get him!
At the second cone, you and your partner hop to the ground and army crawl to the 3rd cone..... little to your knowledge, the entire team has made a gauntlet. So while you are army crawling they kick snow in your face and on your entire body. I actually had someone shove snow down my pants. (I'd like to take this time to say thank you whoever you are, I really appreciated that one.)
Some of the rookies crawling through the gauntlet.
Once at the cone you do 10 pushups still arms tied together. You hop up and then one partner carries you to the next cone. This is more difficult then it seems because using your arm while attached to another persons is pretty awkard. Many teams bite it and tumble to the snow....my team being one of them. Then you switch partners and finish. This is all "timed.
Yea if you think that's it. Ha. The teams are then ranked based on how fast they finished. Now the teams have to compete against each other. We have a bunch of competitions ranging from easy to difficult.
- Notre Maman jokes... who can say the best Yo Mamma joke.
- Impersonation... the last impersionation was who could do Coach Mas
- Don't forget the Lyrics.... the guys have to finish singing a song
- Water chugging competition...2 litres of froid water, then a small one of chaud water
- Dance in the lobby.... Tom cruise in Risky Business minus the shirt style
- Throwing competition....outside in the snow, strip poker style
It was hilarious! The Yo Mamma joke that made the team laugh was basically some version of your momma's already been with the entire team. The Impersonation's where good, but I could have done a better Coach Mas! (Let's just say if you've ever seen coach dance, you'd get it...it's very unique) Don't forget the Lyrics was hilarious. Jesse has to sing R-E-S-P-E-C-T, being a non english speaker it is funny. Click for the Video. Water chugging was good, it was hard for them going from Cold to Hot. (last year they had salt water afterwards and all the guys puked) Dancing in the Lobby was just ridiculous. The throwing competition had both Matty P and Hafid down to their boxers in the cold. The QB didn't win..
All in all it was a fun experience and we had a fun time!
January 8, 2009
Getting back in the groove
Have you ever tried holding someone back on slippery ground? Not to fun. I could have been better if I played in skates instead. I mean it was a bit different. Hopefully we won't get snow during the season. That's all I can say. But it did have it's bright spots. At the end of the practice we huddled up into offense and defense as usual and after we finished and broke down, we started packing snow balls.
Being from the coastal plains in Texas, there is not too many snow falls growing up, precisely one that I remember. So it was a pretty neat, kid-like experience to have a snowball fight. It was awesome! At one point the defense just ran over and jumped me and I got to eat a face full of snow. After wrestling them off, they then jumped on Matt P. Being that I just got to feel what it was like when a ton of guys are stuffing snow into any crevise they can find, I decided to start pulling people off. I threw someone off and the next thing I know I'm at it again wrestling with 2 defenders. Someone runs up again and stuffs snow in my eyes. (Luckily I'm not wearing my contacts thanks to AIRFRANCE losing my bag and still not being able to find it... I mean really how do you lose a bag? Will you replace it? GRRRRRR....oh and no pics/videos yet until they give me the bag that has my charger's in them....Again I appreciate it)
So I'm beat, I get up and slowly rise to my feet then WHAM! I'm pelted in the neck with a snowball from 7 yards away. It stung for a while, but it was a great experience and I'm glad we had it. It seems to me the only snowball fights I've ever had are with football teams... I had fun. Matty P got kicked in the shin, but other then that no serious injuries sustained. It was also Nida's birthday so he got it from the entire team as we sang happy birthday. I went back to the locker room with my fingers frozen because Matt and I are the only one's playing without gloves.
January 7, 2009
A little video experiment
Geronimo the Dog.
Yea so he is a huge boxer and pretty much can reach my chest while on two feet.
Last Play for GT 2008. Here's to my boys.
January 6, 2009
A white Paris