Well first I should start off by saying we went to the Cergy Jokers hockey match... They basically dominated and won 6-2. This would totally set the mood for a good party, I mean it's always better with athletes after you win. I am enjoying watching the team play, it's a pretty cool local atmosphere and your in the match. Never a real dull spot. Matt P. forgot his jacket and was basically freezing the entire time.
Anyways, there were some cool points in the match. First off I had never seen 3 players in a pentalty box at the same time. This was new to me. But they still played 5 on 3 and after Cergy scored then the next guy started his time. It was pretty ridiculous.
Also, they had a penalty shot. I snagged a video of it. I'm liking the camera, being able to just show you what I actually see. If you have any requests about what you want to see in France, just comment or send me an email/message.
This is the penalty shot.
The American Themed party was being thrown by one of the Jokers and his wife. It was his 27th birthday celebration and an all around good time. A couple of us met up at Roland's place to get ready. The outfit ideas were pretty Awesome. I'll just show you some pics.... We had a bunch of cowboys and indians, the blues brothers, some football players, both the young and old elvis, wonderwoman, homer and marge simpson, laura croft (lifesize and miniture), Lil John, a baseball player, a skater, military madman, and a bunch of gangsters.
The couple had rented out a little club/bar for the night. When you walked in, outside they had this huge ice sculpture of the Statue of Liberty. (which again if you don't know was a gift from France, and is actually modeled after a smaller version in Paris that resides on a bridge over the river.) After you walk in there was a huge table for food and stuff. Some of the family and friends where running the bar. Giving out Budweisers and American hotdogs (French style...basically you take a baggett cut a whole in it and shove the dog through it) and Chicken Nuggets, along with the homeade ice shot glasses and a full service bar. It was American.

It felt like a typical college party...besides the costumes... There were some pretty good songs which of course made everyone get involved. The whole crowd started hopping to "Jump Around" And some other French and Spanish songs. They played some rap songs which got everyone up and going, IAM and NTM? IAM is like the old school rapper whose most famous in France. Kind of like the guy that started it back in the day, think of Dr. Dre or L.L.
I got to talking to one of the hockey players about modern day rap music now. He was pretty much upset that now rappers don't actually talk about anything important. He started talking about Tupac and how he rapped about real life and trying to bring a MESSAGE to the people. One that inspires and brings change. Now he feels like everyone is sell outs just talking about Cars, Money, and Women. I agree, I tried to explain that it's all about a catchy beat that becomes a hit and brings in the most money. Oh how hard it is for a rich man ... I mean they forget who they are, where their from and how they got their.
But isn't this one of our most common faults as humans, we put the value of a dollar above what we stand for... It was pretty surreal for me that something as simple as talking about rap music at a party translated into a pretty insightful conversation about life. (Maybe it's just on my mind being the inaguration and all is coming up, or that campus ministry is eating at my heart.)
So back to the party. There was this little girl probably 6 or 7 dressed as Laura Croft. She was dressed like her big sister, or mother, or idk the relationship, but it was cute. She danced the night away and I thought to myself I don't think I've ever seen a little kid out that late in America, but I'm not in America am I? She crashed at around 2am. Here's a video of her.
Oh and I should also show the video of the Happy Birthday. Everyone gathered around and it was full of energy. The cake they had was like 4 individual cakes that more than live up to the standards of French desert. The top cake was a orange cream style cake, 2nd was a strawberry shortcake like dessert, 3rd was my favorite a rich chocolate pie like cake, and last was almost a tiramusui coffee style cake. It was really good. So overall the party was really a great time. I like the hockey guys, they are down to earth and fun to be around.
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