To conclude this three part dialouge I have to talk about the Greek Island adventures. I initially wanted to go to the island of Rhodes, for obvious reasons. However, after discovering it was more like an hour and a half flight, we decided to hop to some of the closer islands next to Athens. Aegina and Agstri, i think?
Well anyways Matt had to say it. "This has just gone to smoothly." ....NOOOOOOooooooooooo ...
Now we were jinxed from the start. There had to be some kind of mishaps along are so far amazing trip. Well here it was.
You know how when you hop on a ferry, it usually takes you directly to the destination and then stops for EVERYONE to get out. The Hellenic Ferry we jumped on was nothing like this one. It more so resembled a metro on water. We pulled up to the first island and started to dock at the port. Matt and I walked down to the exit, but the door was not open. Thinking that maybe this would take a while, we went back up to quickly use the bathroom. As we finished taking approximately 4 mins 34 seconds, we noticed that the boat just so happened to be taking off to another island destination....
What? Matt figured maybe they were going to dock somewhere else. Maybe the guys messed up. After about 10 mins, we came to the conclusion that they really messed up. Apparently 10 or so other people also didn't get out of the boat at the stop. I think the crew just forgot to open the door to let people out. So all of us are trying to figure out what we are doing, where the boat is heading now and all that jazz.

Turns out we basically get to take another ferry ride in a completely different direction that will use up a lot of our time, leave us with a little under 2 hours on this other island, and then come pick us back up and take us to aegina. GREAT. Being that we had a lot of extra time to spend on the boat, Matt and I just started playing around on the top deck. We just spontaneously made a video, the 24 hour ghetto workout video on a boat...yea that one... Turned out great.
As we got to the new destination, Matt and I stopped to get a bite to eat and drink. We order some coffee and some desserts, like bread. The Greek guy taking our order had no clue. We ended up with this cold frappachino type drink, that was half foam. However I will have to say it tasted delicious. For the "desserts" we recieved a bowl full of peanuts. Translations are fun!!!
Afterwards we finally got him to understand sandwhich and he brought the glorified grilled cheese to the table. It was another day of great weather and after we finished eating, we headed to the little beach there. The water was pretty crystal clear and you could clearly see the rocks that made up the ocean floor. While on the beach we noticed some really good rocks for skipping stones. It looked like a granite manufacture had lost his shipment somewhere at sea, and it all managed to end up here on this beach. Tons of pieces of smooth white granite countertops broken into perfect throwing sized stones lined the shores. Matt and I skipped stones in the beach and tried to see how many we could get. Timing up the waves was very key.
Finally we moved over to the bay that was right next to the beach and found the tranquil waters to be perfect for our new found hobby.
We headed back to the dock and jumped on the ferry back to Aegina, our initial destination. When we arrived we walked along the island shores looking for a souvenir t-shirt or sweatshirt. It had started to get a little cold so the sweatshirt seemed like a good idea. However size is a problem. The biggest we found was an XL which more so fit like a Large in the US. Matty bought it. I found a cool shirt and wrapped it up to go. We enjoyed the rest of our time on the island by watching the sea and taking the whole trip in. When you think about it we had a pretty amazing weekend.....

Old women walking in on us at night, breaking handles in the bathroom, climbing the acropolyis, touching the temple of Zeus, best weather so far, incredible landscapes, monastaries, old world, gyros, taverna experiences, including a washed scarf, stray dogs, the friday market lined with fresh veggies and what not, impossibilities of catching a cab, island hopping, and most important making new friends. I mean it was pretty good. I feel spoiled now and I don't know how I'm so lucky!
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