She has this bright smile and happiness that is just infectious. When you wake up or see her after it's been a while, Will says "Flora give a bisou." She runs up and gives you a kiss on the cheek. It is really cute. I'm also just amazed at how much more French she knows then me. She is really good at 3 years old, I gotta pick up the pace here! She has just been so fun and I think has taken a little liking to us.
Also, yesterday we played the Templiers, a team we were competing with to make it into the playoffs. We won 21-0! It was a good game. The Templier seemed like a team that thought they were God's gift to football. They talked a lot and never shut up. I'm just glad the scoreboard talked for me. I mean even at the end of the 4th quarter when we were up 21 to 0 a defensive player made a tackle and got up acting like King Kong.... REALLY???
C'est la vie. It was a really fun game though. They had a QB who is from East Carolina originally, he was their entire offense. I think he actually has a girl friend/ wife or something here in France and lives here. He ran almost a Texas Tech type offensive system and had some of the prolificy as Matt Ryan when he beat us with BC. The QB kept spliting out the offense and his timing with the recievers was spot on. Before they started their breaks from routes, he was already throwing the ball where it should be. I was impressed and after the game he seemed like a good guy, who generally understood the essence of the game and the spirit of the sport in France.
Their other import played defensive tackle and running back, quite the combination. He was a big boy from U Mass. I think he played TE there? One play he was rushing our left guard and got by, but I was there to help. After the play he asked why I did and said I should of left him one on one??? WHAT? Do you know anything about the Gung-ho nation....5=1. Unity. Togetherness. That's a offensive line... of course I just laughed after hearing this. There's no way I'd leave a teamate out to dry. But I will also say, he was giving the guys some headaches.
Also I was yet again amazed by the number of flags thrown in the game. We had 13 on us and 21 on the Templier. 34 penalties in a total of around 110 plays. That's atleast a flag every 4 plays. But I will say most of the flags where legit. A lot of holding calls, some personal fouls. We only had 39 plays of offense, 60+ on defense. But it proved to be enough. Dino caught the first TD pass from inside the 10. The second score coming in the first half as well was Michel catching a fade route for about 41 yards. The final being a QB sneak from the 5 or so.
On the QB sneak, we went up 21-0... I think that's when it finally set in that the Templier were not going to win. You see the other week they played the Spartiates (our next opponents) and rallied to win in the 2nd half after being down 10-0. So I think they felt they were going to have another big run. After the score, there was almost another little fight/ brawl. Two of the Templier tried to be tough guys on the extra point and wrestle/cheap shot some of the Cougars. Afterwards tempers were high and everyone was tense. Some of the Cougars tried to settle things down and tell them to calm down, but it was a difficult task.

Another thing I've noticed, is that after the game is finished, teams are not afraid to rub in a victory. For instance this week, the Flash beat the Molosses 84-0... That's a basketball type score. Our team got together and started singing "Hey, Hey, Hey....good Bye" It was different for me because I'm not used to that. For me you win with class. Because your supposed to win. Learning is fun though.
On a personal note, I got a couple flags for extracuricular activities while the whistle was in the middle of it's echo. Basically I got warned that you can't hit a guy late, or whatever. For me it's not late if the whistle hasn't been blown. I dont care if the guys down or not. One instance I hit an offensive lineman in the back while he was standing around the pile. I've always been taught you don't wear a uniform to watch, you buy tickets to watch. If you put on the pads, you better have your head on a swivel the whole game. So I thought that was a bad call. Yea it was unnecesary, but still I didn't think it was late. The other one, I definitely deserved because I jumped on a guy after he was clearly down. It's tough trying to stop. But I'm learning to play defense.
I had some good moves that resulted in QB pressures. And batted a ball down for a PBU. It was a good match. And I love this game.
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